Shipping policy

Products will be shipped within 3 to 7 working days after order payment. Delivery times may vary due to order quantities and production lead times,so they are subject to order information.

In order to provide better service,we have operated with multiple shipping companies such as Fedex,DHL,DUP,UPS,EMS etc.

For standard shipping, orders usually arrive 6-8 business days after the shipping date.
For economy shipping, orders usually arrive 15-45 business days after the shipping date.

Feel free to contact us if you need faster shipping or to specify a shipping mode.

Delivery times are estimates only and may vary depending on order volume or other circumstances, such as weather-related delays. If any unexpected shipping delays occur, we will contact you by email.

The total cost of your order only includes the cost of the product and shipping. You are responsible for payment of all import and other charges that may be required by your country, such as but not limited to taxes, duties, etc.

If you encounter any of the following problems during your purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us.You think the freight is too expensive for you.
Some customers were unable to place orders because there was an error saying we could not ship the product to their country.
Large machines are usually shipped by sea, and shipping calculators do not accurately calculate these costs.

Contact support

We know that some customers may need the product urgently and we hope they can place the order as soon as possible.In this situation,we offer email support and online chat to help our customers to know more things about our products and service.To contact support:

Whatsapp: +86 18626835909
Wenzhou Ace Machinery Co.
No.545, Jinhai 3rd Avenue, Wenzhou Economic-Technological Development Zone, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
